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Eyes Across A Room

Freya Elby
Chapter Five
Morning After Feeling

See chapter six >

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When he woke up, he was lying on his bed, still wearing his coat. He peered at his mobile and found one message from Tony. “Bring me your report today at 1pm.”
Jake looked at his Omega, the time was already after 11.50am, he would have to move fast.

By 12.10pm he was showered, shaved and dressed. He looked like s**t, but that was nothing compared to how he felt. There was no time to go and collect his car and by 12.25pm he’d downed two coffees and a sandwich at the snack bar near his flat. He still had a 5-piece band thumping inside his head, but by 12.40pm he’d reached the main high street and called in at the Pawn Shop, after that he didn’t know what time it was anymore…. his Omega was now £1,000 cash.

Tony’s office was nearby, Jake arrived and knocked; he knew what he had to do.
“You’re late,” complained Tony from behind his tidy desk, oblivious to the irony of his words.
The big plush office with its prim wall planners and corporate colours all seemed to be waiting for a floor show, ready to oil the wheels of a well-tuned divorce.
Jake took a deep breath and laid the £1,000 cash in front of Tony.
“I’m returning the money; I couldn’t complete your instructions…. “
“Why the hell not? You’ve wasted three weeks.” Tony’s eyes were narrow and accusing.
“Another case overran, get someone else to do your dirty work.” Jake turned and left, he was disgusted that he’d even considered this kind of work, and appalled that Tony could pay someone to have an affair with his own wife.

Walk away, walk away… he kept saying it to himself. He wanted to find Sara and beg her to forgive him, tell her that he’d given the money back and destroyed every shred of evidence, except the longing that was still in his heart and soul.

He lasted the rest of the day and most of the next, but then over the next five evenings he found himself back at Mario’s…. Waiting, hoping, praying she would come in… even Mario tutted and shook his head, it wasn’t good for business seeing a guy on his own peering into bottomless cups of coffee.

Then it was Saturday night, Jake was toying absentmindedly with his ipad; the restaurant was full and Mario came over looking anxious.

“I think you should maybe work someplace else,” he stated uncomfortably. “we need that table Mister Morgan, it’s Saturday! I have people wanting to spend money…”
“I know, I know and I don’t even buy wine these days,” sighed Jake, he’d been determined to keep a clear head, just in case.

He stood up and happened to glance over Mario’s shoulder and suddenly, there she was. On the other side of the restaurant. A sinking feeling quickly followed the momentary leap of his heart…. she was with Tony. Mario tried to keep in the way of his line of vision.
“You knew she was in didn’t you?” Jake sat down again, he felt as though his legs had been kicked from under him.
“Please I don’t want any trouble...” Mario threw his hands up in the air and went back to his menus.

Jake felt strange; he had always known what to do in a given situation, but now what could he do? She was out with her husband, who would recognise him in an instant. Jake watched her in the mirror, blonde hair cut shaggy and styled to accentuate those lovely cheekbones and gorgeous eyes. She wore a slinky red dress with a lace bodice that stroked every beautiful curve.
She rose and walked slowly across to the ‘Signora’s’ powder room. Jake hadn’t a clue what possessed him, but he decided to make his move. He edged his way round the restaurant, staying out of Tony’s view and waited just inside the door of the main ladies room.
Two or three other women made their way past him, either keeping well away or brushing past a little too closely, breath reeking of alcohol.
Then he caught sight of Sara, standing in front of a lit mirror, touching up her flame red lipstick. It was now or never he told himself and he moved quickly across to her side.
She continued to put lipstick on those soft, full lips, before dropping it back into her small neat bag.
“Following another lead?” she asked sweetly, but the sarcasm was held taut in every taut muscle of her slim frame. “I had to talk to you, to explain… to..” he just wanted to kiss those glistening lips and make her his again.
“I think I heard more than enough the other night!” her comb was flicking through the impossibly soft hair with a ragged irritation.
“Sara please, just hear me out.. you don’t know how I feel” he was sinking fast, he caught her hand to make her remember how they had felt together - but she drew back as though it was too much to bear.
“But I know how ‘I’ feel...” she turned on 4 inch heels and started walking towards the door.

Then she disappeared and three giggling girls came in. It was all over, in a ladies toilet of all places – their beautiful love affair had just been flushed down the pan.

Jake felt hot and beaten, he skulked out of the ‘Signora’s’ room, settled his bill and realised to his horror, that he would have to walk past ‘THE’ table on his way out. He pulled up his collar in a poor Bogartesque attempt at disguise and started towards the door. He’d lost everything, so what the hell… let’s just get it over with.
He wasn’t sure what he expected as he moved past Sara and Tony’s table, perhaps to be totally ignored by her or glared at. Maybe Tony would yell at him, or just bite his tongue because introductions would be out of the question. No, thought Jake he could probably get away with this, if he was quick.

“Hello Jake! Why don’t you join us?” Tony’s voice boomed across the restaurant. “We’ve got a lot to talk about.”

Click here to see Chapter Six >


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